What if a different economy—a beloved economy—is possible? What if transforming how we work could help us get there?

Based on extensive research with organizations and companies across the U.S. that are boldly breaking out of business as usual, Beloved Economies is a campaign to shift mainstream perceptions about what’s possible for the economy—and why changing the way we work matters in getting us to a better place.
“Beloved Economies is a pragmatic guide for all of us who know we are ready to move beyond our current extractive and violent economy.”
~ adrienne maree brown, author of New York Times bestseller Pleasure Activism
Order today! Beloved Economies: Transforming How We Work tells the compelling story of how groups and businesses are changing the way they work and achieving impressive results.
Authors Rimington and Cea explore possibilities for how we work, learning with more than sixty people from a wide array of enterprises. What these groups have in common is that they are generating forms of success that audaciously prioritize well-being, meaning, connection, and resilience—alongside conventional metrics like quality and financial success.
“Beloved Economies offers a deeply compelling vision of a world in which the relationship between work, the environment, and human flourishing is one of harmony rather than friction and inequity.”
~ Eric Ries, author of New York Times bestseller The Lean Startup
To build a better, brighter future, we must first imagine it.
The Opportunity Agenda named The Light Ahead a must-listen podcast of 2022!
Seen through the lens of pop culture, the future is looking pretty dystopian: Black Mirror, Westworld, The 100, 3%, and a myriad other shows, movies, and books imagine what will happen if the darkest aspects of humanity win out.
The Light Ahead podcast turns in the opposite direction: what would society look like if we actually manage to get things right? What would life be like in an economy that worked for everyone? In the way Star Trek imagined a future that inspired a generation of scientists, investors, and techies to grow up and create technologies that seemed impossible only decades ago, The Light Ahead offers listeners visionary ideas for a kinder, more inclusive, economic future.
Each episode is a scripted piece of short fiction set in 2030 and informed by the visions of activists and justice advocates. Listen to the latest episode here.