The 7 Practices
Share Decision-Making Power
Operating as peers across teams and groups - trusting one another to hold creative decision-making authority, impart insight, and share the risks and returns of our work together.
Prioritize Relationships
Dedicating time and care to connect as human beings in our everyday interactions with team members and people in the broader community whom our work affects.
Reckon With History
Creating intentional time, space, and processes to unpack and address the past in ways relevant to the work at hand.
Seek Difference
Refusing to accept business-as-usual assumptions about who should be at the table and cultivating multiple, meaningful forms of diversity among our groups.
Source From Multiple Ways of Knowing
Considering, valuing, and attuning to multiple types of knowledge, ranging from technical training to lived experience to spirituality to what we sense from the living world.
Trust There is Time
Choosing to believe that there is always time available to prioritize authentic connection, reflection, and care in how we work – including through following these practices.
Prototype Early & Often
Sharing and testing ideas at each step of a process, and deciding together what best next steps to take from what we learn.