Maurice BP Weeks

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Research Collaborator

Maurice BP Weeks has been a contributor to the research process since 2018, through participating in numerous interviews and reviewing draft content for the book manuscript Beloved Economies.

Maurice BP-Weeks

Maurice is the Co-Executive Director of ACRE. He works with community organizations and labor unions on campaigns to create equitable communities by dismantling systems of wealth extraction that target Black and Brown communities. Maurice has many years of community organizing experience on issues such as housing, revenue and budgets, policing and incarceration, corporate accountability and education justice. He is an alum of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment and the Center for Popular Democracy. Maurice currently serves on the board of Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, National Institute for Money in Politics, Investors Advocates for Social Justice, National Black Workers Center, 482Forward and the Rucks Society. If he had a magic wand, he’d abolish the police, prisons, hedge funds, pharmaceutical companies, corporate landlords and white supremacy. Until then, he runs campaigns to fight for a world where those things no longer exist. Maurice believes deeply in a Black Liberation a Homes Guarantee, Medicare for All, Public Medicine, a Green New Deal and free migration. A native of Newark, NJ, Maurice now lives in Detroit, Michigan and he’s never going to leave. He graduated from Swarthmore University.

Jaclyn Gilstrap

Jaclyn Gilstrap (she/her/hers) is an activist whose work has focused on supporting women and young people to get the resources they need. She is committed to things like sexual and reproductive rights, racial justice, youth leadership, and ethical global engagement. Jaclyn dabbles in visual art, loves a good queer dance party, and believes in the power of community-led protests. Her strengths are event planning, organizational development, and youth mentorship.

Matthew Ridenour


Nancy Zamierowsky