Brooking Gatewood

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Research Collaborator

Brooking Gatewood has been a contributor to the research process since 2015, through participating in numerous interviews, virtual co-learning events with fellow breakout actors, and through reviewing draft content for the manuscript of the book, Beloved Economies.

Brooking Gatewood helps leaders and groups clarify and enact the change they want in themselves, in their workplace, and in our shared world. At heart, her work is about co-liberation from systems of ‘power over’ and moving toward systems of ‘power with’ that honor individual agency as well as collective interests and wisdom. In practice, this work focuses on shifting culture across levels - from individual and team mindsets and behaviors to large-scale policy and systems change. Each project is customized and draws on Brooking’s experience in participatory process design and network development, research and strategic planning, team and process management, group facilitation, coaching and mediation as well as mindfulness, healing and expressive arts. 

Collaborative in her own approach to serving clients, Brooking has worked and learned with brilliant colleagues at Adaptive Edge, Groupaya, Ag Innovations and Global Footprint Network, and is co-founder of the Emergence Collective. She has designed, managed, and facilitated countless group meetings, retreats, conferences, workshops, as well as longer-term coaching and conflict transformation, culture change, strategic planning and collective action processes. She has worked with leadership teams, organizations, cross-sector alliances and movement networks in the arenas of health care, environmental and social justice, education, democracy, and personal and spiritual growth. Client partners have included universities, collaborative movements and initiatives, foundations, governmental departments, start-ups, SMEs and NGOs large and small. 

Brooking holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Dartmouth College, a MA in Organizations and Management Theory (with an emphasis on movements and networks) from UC-Irvine, and she is certified in energy healing, circling, and mediation. She co-authored a chapter in the book Exploring Positive Social Change and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation (2012),hosts The Indisposable Podcast, has a TedX talk on the power of poetry as a form of listening, and has additional training in group facilitation, mediation, somatic coaching and mindfulness. When not working or poeticizing, she enjoys hiking, dancing, and hosting community gatherings in her hometown of St. Louis. 

Jaclyn Gilstrap

Jaclyn Gilstrap (she/her/hers) is an activist whose work has focused on supporting women and young people to get the resources they need. She is committed to things like sexual and reproductive rights, racial justice, youth leadership, and ethical global engagement. Jaclyn dabbles in visual art, loves a good queer dance party, and believes in the power of community-led protests. Her strengths are event planning, organizational development, and youth mentorship.

Brian Mikulencak


Bruce Campbell